TigerSats in the news: Shannen Prindle flies on a zero-G aircraft!

March 1, 2024

Princeton SEAS published a great story about lots of recent student work in the TigerSats Lab!

Part of the story was Shannen Prindle's ('23) long-awaited test flight on a parabolic zero-G aircraft (the culmination of her award-winning senior thesis project).  Shannen brought onto the flight not only her reaction wheel project for zero-G flight testing, but also other past TigerSats projects: Michael Hauge's ('21) deployable gravity boom and a new adapted version of our 2021 MEMSat mission.  All projects collected great new microgravity performance data on the flight. 

Also highlighted in the SEAS story was Candace Do's ('24) award-winning PocketQube project and Sydney Hsu's ('22) award-winning origami aeroshell project!  

Shannen Prindle on Zero-G flight

Photo credit: Zero Gravity Corporation and Steve Boxall